Experience Jimi for those who didn’t…

Written by Courtney Ludwig on Monday, 20 June 2011. Posted in Tucson Music Scene

Experience Jimi for those who didn’t…
On a Tuesday evening at the Ava Amphitheater I experienced a show unlike anything I had seen or heard before.
Two drum risers slightly facing each other, center stage set up with drums on each surrounded by an assortment of guitars to be played by some of the most amazing musicians, both young and old.
In heading down to this show and knowing who would be performing I was already familiar with a few of the artists, especially two of the shows youngest, Johnny Lang and Kenny Wayne Shepherd.  My step dad and I used to listen to the music of great guitarists, such as Steve Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Lang and Kenny Wayne Shepherd and without reading this anywhere I used to think that Johnny Lang was the new Stevie Ray.  Johnny Lang’s playing and more so his singing are very much similar to that of Stevie Ray.
My step dad had as much love for music as I do, and he taught himself to play guitar on a Southern Jumbo, the same guitar that I received after he passed away in June 2010.  My step dad would play a lot not just riffs, but tunes of those artists he looked up to and it seemed like he would spend at least 20 hrs out of a 24 hr day playing his guitar. While he was playing he would be in this hypnotic like state. I actually believe that was his peace and serenity to keep going each day after he was diagnosed with cancer until he passed.
Kenny Wayne Shepherd, another young prodigy and a favorite of ours, plays from his heart and soul naturally, and he played the same way if not just that much better on Tuesday night, I was mesmerized and so in awe that I could not stop snapping pictures of him.
I was given the opportunity to take another musicians son (13 yr old Iain Bujak) with me to experience this event and it was perfect as he just had a birthday 3 days before.  Iain, who follows in his father John Bujak’s footsteps has played guitar, but the instrument he has choose to go forward with is the drums and is quite a natural himself. Iain was excited to go with me, but even more excited to see Steve Vai, the “dessert” of the evening.
Those that have seen both John Bujak and Steve Vai play can relate when I say that these two are one in the same with their onstage mannerisms and expressions, both are quite characters and draw an audience.
The entire show was truly awesome, the musicians, their companionship towards one another on stage and how they played in unison with each other blew me away. The feelings the music invoked brought me back to when I was a kid (I still am one at heart) hanging with my step dad and listening to the familiar tunes together, I felt his presence right there alongside of me, also enjoying the show, and that brought one of those half smiles to my face and a warming feeling to my heart.

Jeff Carlson Band Interview

Written by Courtney Ludwig on Wednesday, 15 June 2011. Posted in Tucson Music Scene

Jeff Carlson Band Interview by Courtney Ludwig
Once upon a time four guys came together to form a band that, like many, soon disbanded only to later come together again as the Jeff Carlson Band.
Stronger, healthier and a little wiser, Jeff Carlson (Vocals), Stu Horner (Bass/vocals), Bill Horner (Guitar/vocals ) and Ando Miller (Drums), are more amazing to watch and listen to than ever before.
The band did not work before as circumstances of life played a role. Jeff got sick (Crohns Disease), Bill & Stu continued their playing with Rapid Fire (another local Tucson band) and Ando (the Gemini), also known for his tech work with such bands as Poison, Firehouse, Ratt & Saliva (to name a few) was called to duty and left to go back on the road.  It was not the right time for this band to shine.
I had the opportunity to sit down with these four clowns and this is what they had shared with me:
Stu and Jeff first met in early 2008 when Stu was told by a friend that he needed to go check out this singer. Stu’s reaction was not very cooperative at first but he gave in shortly.  These two played together for months with a local drummer here in Tucson while auditioning guitar players. The process proved to be agonizing, and not finding the right fit Stu decided to ask his brother to join the band.  Jeff and Ando met in July of 2008 when Jeff and his fiancé at the time were at a local Petco on the Eastside looking to adopt a cat and from whom??? None other than the famous mother and biggest fan of Ando, Barb Osborne, who at the time was adopting cats to good homes.  What’s funny is I was visiting and we were only there to clean the cat’s home, but they really wanted to adopt so that is where the relationship between Jeff and Ando started.
Soon after the rehearsing began…
The band was both an original/cover band but the first time they got together (before disbanding) they had never played a gig together.
Jeff Carlson (who was diagnosed in 2008 with Crohns Disease) was feeling better and wanted to try going forward with the band again so he contacted Stu in early 2011 and soon the boys were at it again.
The families of these four guys have been very supportive throughout this process and with what they are trying to do and there is a balance established.
The Jeff Carlson Band practices about 2-4 hours once a week, currently working on the originals that Jeff has written, with more written by the band as a whole coming soon.
Their thoughts on the Tucson Music Scene are that you can only go so far and then you have to take it to another level. Being that this band is not a household name yet but working towards becoming one, any transition with any new band in any town can be difficult.  Having been able to share their music and thoughts on a recent Breakfast at the Rivers Edge show, they agreed it was fun and very exciting to be able to given that kind of exposure.  They had a really good time playing and talking with our host, Trouble, (known to some as Carolyn Cary). Being able to watch the expressions of those who attended was the positive feedback without words they needed to know they are good, and liked by those in the music community.
The Jeff Carlson Band has plans to get a record deal and then go into the studio to record, although a long shot at this time they are staying positive that it will happen.
Some thoughts from the band members:
                I have been playing for 30+ years in bars/clubs, time is getting short and we need to move above and beyond - Stu Horner
While it’s great to be in a cover band or tribute band, the level of creativity can become stagnate.  With everyone’s 1000+ stage hours combined, the energy will be 1000%, whether we play for 2 or 20000 people it will be the same. – Ando Miller
The band agrees that it is great to be in a project where the music speaks for itself and that alone is phenomenal.  They want to share this with everyone and make people happy.  Playing live is where this band will shine.
                We have all been playing music for a long time, long enough to where we are all just ready for something bigger to happen. – Jeff Carlson
The bands’ next gig is at The Rock, opening for Faster Pussy Cat: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=188988144487387